Jul 10, 2012

Never and Horoscope :)

hye readers :) eh , assalamualaikum and Good morning. 

*uff no more morning darls*....

it's all about NEVER
Never believe in 3 people :
Sagittarius, Aries, Pisces. They are the most selfish and mean

Never lose 3 peoples :
Taurus, Cancer, Capricon. They are the most sincere and true lovers.

Never leaves 3 peoples :
Virgo, Libra, Scorpio. They can keep secrets, friendship, and they can see your tears.

Never reject 3 peoples :
Leo, Gemini, Aquarius. They are true, Loyal and amp; honest friends :')

omg !! I am Leo girl ! my lucky number is 14/8

How bout you . mind to share ?

p/s : Jangan percaya okkay. berdosa, KALAU sama cuma KEBETULAN :)



i am true, Loyal and honest friends :')

lelyshuhada said...

wow amazing ! sama !